| Sector | abcCorporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies | Tender Value | INR 2.16 Crore approx. | Location | Maharashtra - India | Ref.No | 64525035 | Closing Date | 28 - Sep - 2023 | | | Supply of Digital Hemoglobinometer, Glucometer, Slide drying rack, Spirit lamp, Test tube holding clamp, Test tube rack, Table Top centrifuge with 12 Tubes with stabilizer, Wash Basin with elbow tap, Refrigerator 400 litres, Lab autoclave, Needle destroyer, Cusco speculum, Examination Table with Lithotomy position arrangement, Lamp with St, Sponge holding forceps, Beak forceps, Pre-sterile wide mouth plastic container with screw cap 20 ml with Label, Pre-sterile wide mouth plastic container with screw cap 100 ml with Label, Cell Counter, Microscope, Glucometer Testing Strips, Rapid Pregnancy Testing kit, Rapid test kit for Dengue, Rapid test kit for Malaria, N 10 Hydrochloric acid 1 Ltrs, Reagents such as Hydrochloric acid 1 Ltrs, Reagents such as Benedicts solution 1 Ltrs, Reagents such as Bleaching powder 1 Kg, Reagents such as Hypochlorite solution 1 Ltrs, Reagents such as Methyated spirit 1 Ltr, Acetic Acid Solution 1 Ltrs, Dipsticks for urine test for protein sugar 1container of 25 strips, Whole Blood Finger Prick HIV Rapid Test Kit, Whole Blood Finger Prick STI Screening Test Kit, Pre-packed alcohol swab, Syringes 10 cc with 23 number needle, Syringes 5 cc with 23 number needle, Syringes 2 cc with 23 number needle, AD Syringes 0 5 ml for immunization, AD Syringes 0 1 ml for immunization, Disposable gloves, Disposable Sterile Swabs, Salt Iodine test kit, Iodine liquid 1 Ltrs, Tourniquet, N95 Masks, 3 layer Masks, Disposable lancet Pricking needles, Wooden spatula, Plastic Dropper, Buckets Big Plastic 30 Ltr, Buckets Small Plastic 10 Ltr, Dust bins Blue colour, Dust bins Red colour, Dust bins Yellow colour, Dust bins Black colour, Black Disposal Bags 5 Kgs, Red Disposal Bags 5 Kgs, Yellow Disposal Bags 5 Kgs, Blue Disposal Bags 5 Kgs, Test tubes, Glass rods, Glass slide box of 25 slides, Micropipette, Yellow Tips for Micropipette, EDTA Tube 4 ml, Curtain, Specimen collection bottle - 15th finance equipment Qty 804893 |
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