Ref. No. : 80518019   
Drug Tenders, Medicine Tenders
Drug Tenders, Medicine Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Rate Contract of Drugs and Medicines - Artificial Saliva , Ite , It , It , It , It , It , It , It , It , 11 , Alpha Lipoic Acid + Leycopen Multivitamin and Miltiminerals , Glucosamine + Hydrochloride +-methylsulfonylmethane , Rabeprazole +levosulpiride , Acitretin 10 Mg , Acitretin 25 Mg , Alectinib 150 Mg (monopoly) , All Trans Retinoic Acid 10 Mg , Aprepitant 125 Mg , Budesonide 9 Mg , Calcium Dobesilate 500mg , Ceritinib 150 Mg , Clomipramine Ip 25 Mg , Cyclosporine 100 Mg , Dacarbazine 200 Mg , Danazol 100mg , Evening Primosa 1000 Mg , Formetrol 12mcg + Budesonide 400 Meg., Indacaterol and Glycopyronium Inhalation Powder 110/50 Meg , Isotretinoin 10mg , 1.omustine 40 Mg , Minocycline 100mg. , Netupitant + Palonosetron 300 Mg +0.5 Mg , Ramipril Ip 5 Mg , Rucaparib 200 Mg , Rucaparib 300 Mg , Silodosin 4 Mg , Vitamin a 25000 Iu , Carbolic Acid 50% in 500 Ml , Carbolic Acid 100% in 500 Ml , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid 2 Itr , Lidocaine 25 Mg + Prilocaine 25mg , Ointment (modified Lanolin) , Aloe Vera Moisturizing , Amophous Hydrogel with Colloid Silver Wound Dressing , Amorolfine 0.25% , Azelaic Acid 20% , Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% , Desonide 0.05%, Hydrocurtissue 1'% , Hydrapursex 2% , Kajle Acid 2%. Arbutin Niciada , Ladiconazole (56 , Mamelisnite , Neustywie Sulphate Cit , Adaglene (1.1% W/w) , Desflucane Usp 240 Il Bortle , Destruse with Sod Clitoride Polypork 5, , Distilled Watur 10ml , Nadinum Chloride Aul Destone B , Hadesonide 200 Meg , Ghzopyrranium 25+ Fermatery 6 Ming , (????????????? 25 , Levosalbutanol Met Petriam , Pustase Pepsin with Simethiente 15 M , Fansesale 10mg/ml , Ondatociran Derd Sulation 30 Mi , TerbutaƤn , Astymine C'(vitamin C+essential Uminu Weid) , Simethicon 40mg Doll 0051 , Vitamin-sh , Vitamin D3 5001/mi , Cefpodoxime Oral Suspension 20mg , Demnarnic 30ml , Sectic Acid Une Solution 2% , Digutin 0.28% , Carboxymethylcellulose Glyceris , Luptadine & Ketandar , Betadin 55%, Brianoslanide+britmitise , Cpm-cmc Nephazoline , Cyrlopentobne 1% , Thurzumide , Flarumethatote 1% , Hpmc 43% , Lutejoedaal 8.25% , Tonethanity L , Muxiflexacin Anti Dexamethastoe , Mosiflusatia and Prednisolone , Cloptadine Opthalmic Solution 1% , Pilocarpins , Proparacaine 0.5% Wa , Sadium Caloriste 5% , Sallacetamide 20% , Vorleunsaule , Azithromycin 1% , Chinamphenicol Polymycin. , Chiarumphenicol Pot?????? , Dexamethasone , Guni 15% , Enconazole 1% , Moxilaxacin 0.5% , Sadi , Kavishume Indite , Kitlazim 25% , Glycine Irrigation Salutine 15% 3ltr , Fsumprazole Wat , Serine Lykt , Ip Kii. (passeprole 40 so 10terunidazole 400 G 500 G , +clarithromytin , Liydiscrtiana Grancis M , Hurtin Grommetaal 10 Mg , Halogen 11% Niver Nibute % , Matopenial Sard Vini , Putinic Artt 200ma/vial , Sodium Catuuride 3% 100ml,
Tender Detail : Supply of Rate Contract of Drugs and Medicines - Artificial Saliva , Ite , It , It , It , It , It , It , It , It , 11 , Alpha Lipoic Acid + Leycopen Multivitamin and Miltiminerals , Glucosamine + Hydrochloride +-methylsulfonylmethane , Rabeprazole +levosulpiride , Acitretin 10 Mg , Acitretin 25 Mg , Alectinib 150 Mg (monopoly) , All Trans Retinoic Acid 10 Mg , Aprepitant 125 Mg , Budesonide 9 Mg , Calcium Dobesilate 500mg , Ceritinib 150 Mg , Clomipramine Ip 25 Mg , Cyclosporine 100 Mg , Dacarbazine 200 Mg , Danazol 100mg , Evening Primosa 1000 Mg , Formetrol 12mcg + Budesonide 400 Meg., Indacaterol and Glycopyronium Inhalation Powder 110/50 Meg , Isotretinoin 10mg , 1.omustine 40 Mg , Minocycline 100mg. , Netupitant + Palonosetron 300 Mg +0.5 Mg , Ramipril Ip 5 Mg , Rucaparib 200 Mg , Rucaparib 300 Mg , Silodosin 4 Mg , Vitamin a 25000 Iu , Carbolic Acid 50% in 500 Ml , Carbolic Acid 100% in 500 Ml , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid 2 Itr , Lidocaine 25 Mg + Prilocaine 25mg , Ointment (modified Lanolin) , Aloe Vera Moisturizing , Amophous Hydrogel with Colloid Silver Wound Dressing , Amorolfine 0.25% , Azelaic Acid 20% , Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% , Desonide 0.05%, Hydrocurtissue 1'% , Hydrapursex 2% , Kajle Acid 2%. Arbutin Niciada , Ladiconazole (56 , Mamelisnite , Neustywie Sulphate Cit , Adaglene (1.1% W/w) , Desflucane Usp 2:40 Il Bortle , Destruse with Sod Clitoride Polypork 5, , Distilled Watur 10ml , Nadinum Chloride Aul Destone B , Hadesonide 200 Meg , Ghzopyrranium 25+ Fermatery 6 Ming , (????????????? 25 , Levosalbutanol Met Petriam , Pustase Pepsin with Simethiente 15 M , Fansesale 10mg/ml , Ondatociran Derd Sulation 30 Mi , TerbutaƤn , Astymine C'(vitamin C+essential Uminu Weid) , Simethicon 40mg Doll 0051 , Vitamin-sh , Vitamin D3 5001/mi , Cefpodoxime Oral Suspension 20mg , Demnarnic 30ml , Sectic Acid Une Solution 2% , Digutin 0.28% , Carboxymethylcellulose Glyceris , Luptadine & Ketandar , Betadin 55%, Brianoslanide+britmitise , Cpm-cmc Nephazoline , Cyrlopentobne 1% , Thurzumide , Flarumethatote 1% , Hpmc 43% , Lutejoedaal 8.25% , Tonethanity L , Muxiflexacin Anti Dexamethastoe , Mosiflusatia and Prednisolone , Cloptadine Opthalmic Solution 1% , Pilocarpins , Proparacaine 0.5% Wa , Sadium Caloriste 5% , Sallacetamide 20% , Vorleunsaule , Azithromycin 1% , Chinamphenicol Polymycin. , Chiarumphenicol Pot?????? , Dexamethasone , Guni 15% , Enconazole 1% , Moxilaxacin 0.5% , Sadi , Kavishume Indite , Kitlazim 25% , Glycine Irrigation Salutine 15% 3ltr , Fsumprazole Wat , Serine Lykt , Ip Kii. (passeprole 40 so 10terunidazole 400 G 500 G , +clarithromytin , Liydiscrtiana Grancis M , Hurtin Grommetaal 10 Mg , Halogen 11% Niver Nibute % , Matopenial Sard Vini , Putinic Artt 200ma/vial , Sodium Catuuride 3% 100ml,
Tender Location : Rajasthan - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Value : INR 50000000
Tender EMD : INR 1000000
Tender Document Fees : INR 400
Tender Closing Date : 24/02/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 25/02/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Health Services/Equipments - Non-financial Services   
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